This as a social and economic background, short stories appeared which had a low paid clerk as a central character.…
Article by Mohan Gehani
Sind and Indian Independence Movement
Sind was the last territory in India to be conquered by British in 1843. Yet 1957 war of independence for its echo in Sind in such a short period. Soldiers at Shikarpur, Sukkar and Hyderabad rose in revolt. On 14th September 1857 21 st Regiment of Native infantry rose in rovolt at Karachi . They were tied at the mouth of canons and were executed.
In 1885 Indian national Congress was established and two delegates from Sind attended that meet.
In 1895 the meeting of Bombay Province Congress was held at Karachi. ( At that time Sind was a part of Bombay Presidency
In 1905 after the partition of Bengal In the Congress session held at Calcutta in 1906 call for boycott of foreign made goods was given. In Hyderabad some young people became active. Those Youth included Lalachand Amardinomal ( Who latter in life became a prominent Sindhi writer) Jiwatram B Kriplani ( Whos rose to be president of Indian National Congress and close associate of Gandhiji. ( After indpendance of India he played an important role in National opposition to Congress party as a leader of Praja Socialist Party.
Tolaram Balani a young man wielded his pen as well as eloquent skills to create awareness for the freedom movement among the masses. He established a paper titled “MATA”. He died at a young age of 29 by taking Jal Samadhi.
First political case in Sind arose in 1909 when three young persons Goverdhan Sharma translated and published a booklet of “THOUGHTS OF BAL GANGADHAR TILAK” . Publisher was Viroomal Begraj and Pprinter was Chetumal Hariram. First was awarded 5 years Jail and the rest two were awarded 3 years each.
During freedom movement the annual sessions of Indian National Congress was held twice. First one was held in 1913 and second was held in 1931.
Jethmal Parsram an eminent writer and fearless journalist wrote an article on massacre of ‘Jalianawala Baug’. Gave a title to his lead article from one of the verses of Shah Abdul Latif. He was tried and was sent to 3 years imprisonment. ( H T Sorley the Judge who tried him during trial heard so much about Shah Abdul Latif that he became curious to know more about him and after his deep study he did his doctorate on Shah Latif and that book till day remains authoritative book on Shah Latif. Such are ironies of History.)
In 1926 Jairamdas Doulatram resigned as an Editor of ‘ HINDUSTAM TIMES’ and joined Congress. He rose to be General Secretary of All India Congress. After independence He became Food Minster in first ministry and latter on was Governor of Assam. He was also two term member of Rajya Sabha.
Anand Hingorani accompanied Gandhiji during salt Satyagraha. Whereas N R Malkani continued with Gandhij’s constructive Programme about untouchably.
Dr, Choithram Gidwani was president of Sind Congress Committee. He played important role in resettlement of Sindhis after Partition of the country.
Bard of Freedom movement Hundraj Dukhayal continued his association with Vinobha Bhave in Boo Dhan movement for many years.
Jethi Sipahimalani rose to be Vice Chairperson of Maharashtra Legislative Council.
After 1942 quit India movement many young persons were attracted to revolutionary activities. Parcho Vidyarthi was awarded prison term of more than 140 years. After exchange of freedom fighter he settled at Ulhasnagar and rose to be MLA as a Socialist.
In fight for independence of India Hemu Kalani became youngest martyr of India. Who became a source of inspiration for many revolutionary activities. It is hoped that the community and country will celebrate the centenary year of this illustrious son of the soil from Sind that unfortunately lies beyond the borders. Let us remember that in History no border has remained permanent.
Achut Patwardhan and Aruna Asaf Ali and many other activists found underground shelters in Sind.
In India we comprise only 0.5% of population yet as party workers of BJP ( For obvious reasons they cannot have a mass base of their own). Sindhis have occupied important positions and two outstanding examples are of L K Advani and Ram Jethmalani.
Now Shanker Lalwani is member of Parliament from Indore as a BJP member and Mahesh Jethmalni has been nominated to Rajya sabha.
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About the Author
Mohan Gehani is a noted Sindhi scholar, playwright, translator and poet. Born in Karachi, Sindh, on 20 January 1938, he belongs to the select community of Sindhi writers who lived through the Partition of India, one of the early group which struggled to build a movement that held the Sindhi identity together after the loss of Sindh, and campaigned for the Sindhi Language to be accepted as a national language by the Constitution of India.
Gehani, whose first short story appeared in 1955 in Naeen Duniyan when he was just seventeen, subsequently wrote many books, and received many literary awards including the Saeen G M Syed memorial award at the World Sindhi Congress in London in 2005, and the Sahitya Akademi award in 2011. He has also received awards for his contribution to Sindhi literature from the National Council for the Promotion of Sindhi Language (NCPSL, a body of the Government of India) for his book on the History of Sindh; the lifetime achievement award Akhil Bharat Sindhi Boli ain Sahit Sabha; a translation award by Sahitya Akademi in 2016 for his translation of Kapila Vatsayan’s Hindi book Bharat: Natya Shastra; and the Madhya Pradesh Gaurav Award 2016. He was a member of the Sindhi advisory board for Sahitya Akademi from 2007 to 2012.
A collection of Articles, Speeches and Essays by Mohan Gehani
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