Mohan Gehani

From the pen of Mohan Gehani


Sindhi language has a long tradition of poetry. Normally poetry is written in two metric styles. One is based on Persian rules of Prosody that is called ‘WAZAN BEHAR’ and other on Indian Prosody called “MAATRAS”. It has many forms in which poetry is written. Recently under the pressure of modern lige style the rigorous adherence to rules of prosody has been done away with and a form “KAVITA” has emerged that maintains the poetic spirit and content but it has internal rhythm of its own. Mostly it is pithy, striking and symbolic. Poems of these collections are of latter type.

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مان ڊڄان ٿو
تون مون کي

مان مشيني کيڏوڻو بڻي
ڊپ وچان
بهادُريءَ جا ڪرتب
ڪندو رهندس
زندگي ڀر.

I am afraid
You will consider me
A coward.

I, like a mechanical toy,
Indulge in deeds of bravery
All my life.

- Mohan Gehani